Random Thoughts For A Long Weekend

1. The hardest thing to believe is our sin is our greatest problem and the gospel is the greatest news possible.

2. If God loves us and he gave us the Scriptures because he loves us, then his Sovereignty over all things is good news for the hurting.

3. They get paid for your clicks.

4. I went to a concert where a mosh pit formed and I got clocked in the back of the head. From that moment on I’ve only wanted to listen to Jazz and big band. 

5.  Went to see Tim Keller speak a few days ago and I’m still reeling.

6. I still believe the church wil truly be thinking deeply, not when it is trying to engage artists and creatives but when it is trying to engage accountants and plumbers.

7. Gospel hope is never a cop out. I didn’t think it was a cop out when my son was born and he would just stop breathing and no one knew why, it wasn’t a cop out when we ran out of money, and it wasn’t a cop out when my daughter was diagnosed with ASD. Gospel hope is never a cop out.

8. Last night we watched an old black and white movie and there were no gross scenes, no explosions, and no gritty language and it was exceptional. Weird how that’s possible.

9. Coffee and John Coltrane on a cool Fall morning.

10. If my wife is so smart how did she end up with me?

6 thoughts on “Random Thoughts For A Long Weekend

  1. Bobby November 11, 2016 / 8:07 am

    We have been asking #10 for a long time! But we are sure glad she did!!!!!

    • Vicky November 16, 2016 / 9:24 am

      #10…….. God has a sense of humor!

  2. L. Lee November 11, 2016 / 9:31 pm

    On 5. Why?

    • mattbredmond November 11, 2016 / 9:33 pm

      He spoke on vocation and faith. What I needed to hear. Made me miss ministry.

  3. Dan from Georgia November 12, 2016 / 4:04 pm

    Love esp #7 and #8. Funny how movies with no explosions, jive-talking robots, and mayhem end up being really great movies!

  4. Anthony December 8, 2016 / 12:44 pm

    #7. This [money] is a large fear right now. My temptation is to try to fix and control everything yet I know I cannot.

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